2012. szeptember 13., csütörtök

web basic

i knew already in the beginning how i want my site to look like and which elements it should contain.
so first, i made sketches then made the design in photoshop. it was the easy part.
since i have never done any kind of codeing before it took several hours both in school and at home to get familiar with this method. i did not unerstand anything from this in the interaction lectures, but managed to understand it more or less alone using google and many different sites on the web. after that i was able to create my site and it looked like almost exactly as i planned/designed before. everything looked like as i wanted them to and was on its place and the links were working, but when i validated it in the html and css validator told me that i have errors. i just realized that i need to do things in a different way. again i started to check the web for help and finally i found the solution to my codeing problems so i corrected my errors.
if i could start it again i would spend more time on examineing codeing, how different methods works, which method would be practical for me/my site and only after that i would start to do the codeing itself.